I went back to my mum's house this weekend to collect the thousands of CDs she boxed away for me from my old room.
When I got them back to my place - the sense of nostalgia was over-whelming when I started to play some of them.
I felt like it was 6 years ago and I was 15/16 again.
Sitting there on my living room floor, smoking ciggie's and listening to the likes of Fenix* TX, Posion the FUCKING Well and New Found Glory was the only possible way to spend my bank holiday Monday.
I kind've want to go home, pick up my guitar, and play some hardcore music now. Ever since I got my "Poison The Well" albums back - I haven't been able to stop listening to them.
I can only really describe them as beautiful hardcore. The music is totally heavy but will suddenly back off into a corner and become nice and gentle.
Jeffrey Moreira's vocals change from fury to poetic at the drop of a hat.
Try try try try TRY get your hands on their major label debut: You Come Before You, it'll knock you for six! Apathy is a Cold Body is one of the strongest melodic-hardcore songs I have heard in years.
Speaking of melodic-hardcore bands, my number 1 album of the year is still from these guys...
Emanuel have released an album so accomplished, furious & raw this year - that no other (not even Cadence Weapon or MIA) can touch.
Black Earth Tiger has to be in everyone's record collection at the end of 2007.
You'll probably have to go search for this record good & hard though because anything "heavy" generally gets dismissed as being not real music by music snobs who like to think that they are actually open-minded.
Their first record was absolutely shite - but Black Earth Tiger is such an unbelievable follow-up, it's staggering to believe that the same band actually wrote it.
Get your hands on it pronto!
The best band in the WORLD is back early next year...
And boy are they going to fucking own!
Actually, and more importabtly, front-man Daryl Palumbo is back and he is going to tear it up once again!
Daryl Palumbo is a legend.
The best thing to come out of the music scene in New York as far as I am concerned.
Glassjaw are now recording as a 4-piece (which will be exciting news to us fans)...
Probably the most anticipated release for me in 2008 (I think they are still signed to Warner but can't be too sure)...
And if anyone was smart - they'd book these guys for some gigs RIGHT FUCKING NOW!
Daryl Palumbo is God.
Glassjaw are the best band to come out of the States in the past 10 years.
There would be no Long Island hardcore scene if it wasn't for these guys.
Pioneers and geniuses - this is the most important band around and thank fuck they are writing and recording a new album.
Glassjaw - Cosmopolitan Blood Loss...
Ah Pete, get your punk ass over to Canada already. If the people of Ireland don't appreciate the legend that is Daryl Palumbo then you shouldn't be fucking living there bud.
I still get so excited when I hear the opening riff to El Mark. And then when Daryl comes in with the best opening lyric ever:
"Who the fuck wants to live forever?
Christ, I love this band.
I'll get to hear Emanuel this weekend. Got Soundscapes to order it in for me. I love that store but they too much arty/indie shit and not enough hardcore.
Having said that, I'll pick up Fiery Furnaces too (still can't get my head around the fact you don't like them). Even if you don't like the music, you should still love the band because Eleanor is hot.
I'll fly to Canada when Glassjaw announce dates there. Doooode - you're not going to believe this but they are probably going to be playing here early next year! It's going to be FUCKING AWESOME!
Yeeeeeeeeeees, that's one of Glassjaw's best tunes (and it's a fucking B-Side!) Proof that this band are too good!
You're going to be blown away by the Emanuel record. It's the best album released this year Chris, seriously. No other can touch it. Incredible leap from their first. The CD is getting destroyed because I play it too much. It's also the best album to play along with on guitar. Riffing like a motherfucker.
Fuck Fiery Furnaces. It's abit too fucking mental for me man.
It's all about glassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumboglassjawdarylpalumbo!
They're all a little too heavy for me.
I agree with Chris though, I love love love Fiery Furnaces. They're playing in Whelans soon. Tickets are a little steep. I might go see them in the UK instead. It's cheaper and will be a nice little holiday too.
Happy 22 Brother! You're still the baby of the gang P. In fact, what are we even thinking hanging out with you?! ;)
Are you allowed to link to music files?
glassjaw.net is funded by the bands record label and they have tunes there which are legit that people can download. Link it.
Book a flight to Canada soon fucker!
weird.. someone just commented and pretended to be me. hahahahah.
Creepy. Noted and deleted Danz.
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