Yesterday myself and Red both agreed that kooky & quirky girls are the most attractive.
I can't think of any girl who is as fucking mad as Amanda Palmer, one half of the most unique band around at the minute: The Dresden Dolls...
I know all of you know DD already so I wont go into a long-winded post talking bollox about how great they are...
Instead, I am going to point you towards a video which I watched so many times when it first circulated last year...
It was made when DD won the coveted opening slot for Panic! At The Disco's North American tour in 06...
It is an amusing little video (if you like both bands). The song playing over it is by the Dresden Dolls and it is called Backstabber (in my humble opinion - one of their finest moments)...
Amanda Palmer is just fucking brilliant. Her utter mind-boggling weirdness makes her pretty damn hot in my eyes...
And to all the haters, Panic! are not that bad a fucking band.
The scene kids love them but I have heard a helluva lot worse than 'em...
Here is a Dresden Dolls song available for you to download...
It's a cracking tune called Dirty Business...
Listen to Amanda's lyrics in both the song below and the one in the youtube video...
Very witty and at times laugh-out-loud...
Dresden Dolls - Dirty Business: Download Me Now...
Coin Operated Boy is a mental song too. I think "Yes, Virginia" is their best album though. Amanda is a bit weird alright. She posed nude for a music magazine last year which was sweet.
Yeah man - I love that song.
The Panic! song that plays at the end of the youtube video is pretty sweet too.
I don't get why people hate them so much. The lyrics are fucking dodgy but they did something different last year. I mean, Christ - they were the Arctic Monkeys of the States in '06, which is one damn good feat.
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