This guy right here not only has a fan-fookin-tastic blog, but he also knows a thing or two about how to make someone a damn good mixed CD of bands...
Mr. Obscure has just introduced me to a bunch of artists I had never even heard of before...
Rollerskate Skinny...
Jaga Jazzist...
Christopher Willits...
Casiotone For The Painfully Alone...
Should I be embarrassed that I didn't know any of the above until tonight...
Or is his music taste just that esoteric...?
A rhetorical question really, considering the name he goes by.
Unfortunately I haven't had the chance to go through most - if not - all of them yet...
Because I am obsessedOBsessedOBSESSED with Wolf Parade...
And dare I say it....
Dare I say it...
Dare I say it...
Dare I say it...
Dare I say it...
Dare I say it................
They are better than my beloved Interpol...
Not so long ago, myself & Obscure had a heated debate over a pint about the best debut album released since the turn of the millennium...
I argued ferociously how Turn On The Bight Lights is the best debut hands down...
Obscure disagreed. I asked him to give me three debut albums better than it.
He didn't have to name three. He named just one.
Apologies To The Queen Mary didn't mean anything to me then because it wasn't TOTBL.
I now know why he only needed to choose the one album.
I'm hooked and can't stop listening to it.
This is such a cool video...
This is such a beautiful song...
But lyrically, it's a damn masterpiece...
Wolf Parade - Modern World...
P.S. Whoever knows where the title of this blog entry comes from - you're a fucking legend!!!
Better than Interpol????????????????????
You. Peter. My best friend. Pedro. You.
Did you really write that? Because the Peter I know is a weird messed up fanatic when it comes to Interpol and would never in a million years utter a sentence like that.
Daaaayuuuum dude, I am proud of you for admitting that your precious Interpol aren't bullet proof after all. Wolf Parade are one of my favourite bands of all time.
And the title of this blog entry was too easy bro.
Ah Pedro, high praise indeed! Many, MANY thanks. And may I say, how big of you it is to backtrack on the debut album debate. Jack I know what you mean, it's like somebody hacked into Pedro's blog and started posting, but I can confirm he's a recent convert to the Wolf Parade cause. Enjoy the other bands too P, as it says on the Obscure blog, I'm here to share the wealth and spread the love! I'm sure you'll find another few gems in there. Cougar rock!
Jack - Dooode, I know. I never thought I would find a band I feel more passionate about than Interpol, but thanks to Sunset Rubdown and Mr. Obscure, I am now converted to the SubPop and Wolf Parade way of life. Ah man, I knew you'd get the title of the blog entry. But if anyone else can guess it then I'll be impressed that someone over here knows it too.
Obscure - Only on very rare occasions will I put my hands up and admit I am wrong. ATTQM is a better debut than TOTBL. When Interpol's lyrics are all doom & gloom, it is reflected in the music. Yet when Wolf Parade's lyrics are sombre and morose, the music is still really excited and up-lifting. I like the contrast and how miserable songs can actually turn into sing-a-long anthems.
I love Spencer Krug. But I think his vocals work better when he is in Sunset Reubdown, they dont sound that great next to Dan's vocals.
Well fuckadoodledoo, you never cease to surprise me. Interpol on the back burner for Wolf Parade. MENTAL. You could have chose a more obscure title for the blog than a Tobias reference though.
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