These New Puritans are going to release the first record next year that you will fall in love with...
BP doesn't disappoint as a debut album and contains all of the skips & beats you'd expect from a band of their calibre & potential...
Many of you would have heard their current Double A-Side single (Numbers/Colours) and would have most likely danced your arse off to both songs...
Well Beat Pyramid has a further fourteen tracks along the same vein...
So "get on your dancing shoes, you sexy little swine..." and be ready for 'em...
Dan le Sac & Scroobius Pip put Southend on the map in 2007...
These New Puritans will follow suit in 2008...
Expect greatness from both of their debut albums.
These New Puritans myspace profile...
This is a live video of my favourite song from the TNP record...
Track is called Elvis...
Sound is a little shoddy...
I saw them live in London at the start of the summer. brilliant band live. lots of energy and mayhem.
They have that Elvis song on their myspace. But I think it is a demo because the sound is crap.
Yup, that's a demo Liz.
The album version is fucking brilliant.
Look out for some live dates over here early next year - they will be a band you WILL WANT to see live!
I only have that song you gave me of theirs aaaaaaaaaaaages ago. It was on that Digital Penetration album. Cracking compilation that was.
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