Yesterday I was singing about Dan le Sac & Scroobius Pip and also about These New Puritans and how they are giving chav-central (see image above) - "Southend" a make-over by, well being really fucking brilliant.
The best way to kill chavs off is to have a really good music scene in the area, thus, enabling it to be a cool hang-out spot for the scenesters.
You only have to see what Klaxons have done for New Cross (miserable fucking place).
Or every other shitty London fucking band and what they have done for Hackney, Shorditch, Hoxton etc.
Back to the point:
I have just realised that Southend hasn't always been the god-awful shithole I have been portraying it as.
The most diabolical band to ever come out this side of the millennium was from Southend.
Yup, you guessed it - these jokers are from there!!!
Horrifying (bah-dum) band. But they were changing the image of Southend long before Dan, Scroobius & TNP.
And yes, I know. They are absolute dirt.
Luckily, I have just discovered that 2 fantastic artists I am a big fan of also hail from the Essex town:
Get Cape. Wear Cape. Fly & Theoretical Girl.
Get Cape... is the moniker & stage name for Sam Duckworth and his band. Great acoustic act with the use of trumpets & laptops. And if you really needed a reason to like this kid, then just read a quote from an interview he did a couple of weeks ago where he is describing the sound of his new record (out next year):
"Duckworth revealed that 'Searching for the Hows and Whys' would be a departure from the sound that brought him to the attention of so many. "Laptop beats and acoustic strings just don't cut it anymore, they don't fit in with my image. Look at Kate Nash - she stole my whole sound and had even had the gall to have her beats manufactured by kids in Bangladesh high on ecstasy for 2p an hour."
Yeah, fuck you Kate Nash. You're shit!
Get Cape's Myspace Profile...
Theoretical Girl is just really fun and catchy.
She doesn't have a quote I can use about her slagging off another singer, so instead - I'll just point you towards her THREE Myspace Profiles (because she has too many songs for just the one!)
Myspace Profile Number 1
Myspace Profile Number 2
Myspace Profile Number 3
Theoretical Girl was on that compilation too actually. Hahah.
That's how I found out about her dooode.
"It's All Too Much" was the song.
Fucking deadly tune.
I'm going to dig it out before I split out of here.
Big important meeting today, so I'll need to be calm before it.
Recommend something to pick up on my way (available on 7" preferably).
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